Joint statement on Sudan talks issued by UAE, USA, Switzerland, Saudi Arabia, Egypt, African Union, and UN

Joint statement on Sudan talks issued by UAE, USA, Switzerland, Saudi Arabia, Egypt, African Union, and UN

Joint statement on Sudan talks issued by UAE, USA, Switzerland, Saudi Arabia, Egypt, African Union, and UN

The recent Sudan Talks have brought together a diverse group of nations and organizations, including the United Arab Emirates, United States, Switzerland, the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, Egypt, the African Union, and the United Nations in Switzerland, to address the urgent humanitarian situation in Sudan. In a joint statement issued after the talks, the delegations emphasized the importance of protecting civilians, ensuring humanitarian access, and maintaining cessations of hostilities in the region.

One of the key points discussed during the meeting was the need to address the humanitarian needs of the Sudanese people, while also upholding international humanitarian law and implementing commitments made under the Jeddah Declaration. This includes the responsibility of both parties to protect civilians, civilian infrastructure such as hospitals and schools, and to allow for freedom of civilian movement.

A major focus of the discussions was on improving access for humanitarian aid and workers in areas under the control of the Rapid Support Forces (RSF). Delegates emphasized the importance of allowing safe and unhindered passage of aid and workers along key routes, such as the road from Gedaref through Wad Medani and Sennar. Opening up these areas would significantly increase access to humanitarian aid for millions of Sudanese in need.

The RSF’s response to these discussions was met with approval, as they expressed readiness to take further steps to protect civilians and improve the humanitarian situation in the region. It was also noted that humanitarian actors were planning to move through the Adre crossing, highlighting the need for the RSF to ensure safe and unimpeded access for humanitarian cargo and workers.

In addition to engaging with the RSF, the delegations also expressed their intention to meet with the Sudanese Armed Forces (SAF) delegation upon their arrival. This demonstrates a commitment to working with all relevant parties to address the humanitarian crisis in Sudan and uphold international humanitarian law.

Overall, the Sudan Talks have been a crucial forum for discussing and addressing the urgent humanitarian needs in the region. By bringing together a diverse group of stakeholders, including nations, organizations, and armed forces, the talks have laid the groundwork for improving access to humanitarian aid, protecting civilians, and upholding international humanitarian law in Sudan.

As the discussions continue, it is essential for all parties involved to prioritize the well-being of the Sudanese people and work together to find sustainable solutions to the humanitarian crisis. By ensuring safe and unhindered access for humanitarian aid and workers, respecting international humanitarian law, and committing to protect civilians, progress can be made towards alleviating the suffering of millions in Sudan.

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