Agricultural company secures US0mn revolving credit line

Agricultural company secures US0mn revolving credit line

Agricultural company secures US0mn revolving credit line

New York Post Report: Exporta Publishing & Events Ltd Privacy Policy

In today’s digital age, privacy concerns are at the forefront of many people’s minds. Companies like Exporta Publishing & Events Ltd are taking steps to ensure that they are transparent about how they collect, use, and protect personal data. This Privacy Policy outlines the information that Exporta Publishing & Events Ltd may collect about individuals in relation to their use of websites, events, publications, and services. It also details how this data may be used, including monitoring online behavior to deliver customized advertisements and marketing materials.

Established in 2002, Exporta Publishing & Events Ltd is a leading trade and trade finance media company with offices in London and Singapore. They offer a range of products and services focused on international commodities, export, supply chain, and trade finance markets. From magazines and newsletters to seminars and conferences, Exporta Publishing & Events Ltd is dedicated to providing valuable information and events for those involved in global trade.

Data Protection Policy

The Data Protection Policy of Exporta Publishing & Events Ltd explains how personal information is collected, used, and protected. The company is committed to complying with data protection laws, protecting the rights of individuals, and safeguarding against data breaches. By implementing strict security measures and following data protection principles, Exporta Publishing & Events Ltd ensures that personal data is handled responsibly.

Why this policy exists

The Data Protection Policy is essential for Exporta Publishing & Events Ltd to:

– Comply with data protection laws
– Protect the rights of staff, customers, and partners
– Be transparent about how data is stored and processed
– Prevent data breaches

This policy may be updated periodically to reflect changes in legislation, industry practices, or customer feedback. It is important for individuals to review the Privacy Statement regularly to stay informed about how their personal data is being protected.

How information is collected

Exporta Publishing & Events Ltd obtains information when individuals use their website, contact them about products and services, register for events, subscribe to newsletters, or access the GTR magazine/website. Personal data such as name, job title, company, email, and address may be collected to provide access to content, subscriptions, and events.

Types of Personal Data Held and its Use

Exporta Publishing & Events Ltd collects personal data to administer products and services, monitor website activity, and provide personalized experiences for users. By analyzing this data, the company can improve its services, track user behavior, and tailor marketing efforts to individual interests.


Personal data collected by Exporta Publishing & Events Ltd may be used for marketing purposes, such as sending information or promotional materials about products and services. Individuals have the opportunity to opt-out of receiving marketing communications, and their information will not be shared with third parties for marketing purposes.

Cookies and similar technologies

Exporta Publishing & Events Ltd uses cookies and similar technologies to collect information about website access and services provided. These tools help track user activity, personalize content, and improve the user experience. Individuals can manage their cookie preferences to control how their data is collected and used.

E-mail tracking

E-mail tracking is used to monitor the delivery and engagement of marketing e-mails sent by Exporta Publishing & Events Ltd. This data helps the company understand user preferences, track responses, and improve communication with subscribers.

Consents and opt-outs

Individuals can give their consent to opt-out of specific data uses by indicating their preferences on the website, contacting Exporta Publishing & Events Ltd, or updating their preferences in eNewsletters. The company is committed to respecting user choices regarding the use of their personal data.


Information collected by Exporta Publishing & Events Ltd may be shared with other group companies for the purposes outlined in the Privacy Policy. In some cases, data may be transferred to third parties as a result of business transitions or reorganizations.

Data outside the EEA

Exporta Publishing & Events Ltd may transfer personal data to third parties located outside the European Economic Area for specific purposes. The company takes steps to ensure that data is treated securely and in accordance with data protection regulations.

Confidentiality and Security of Personal Data

Exporta Publishing & Events Ltd is dedicated to keeping personal data secure and protected from unauthorized access, misuse, or alteration. Strict security measures are in place to safeguard personal information and comply with data protection principles.


All employees and contractors of Exporta Publishing & Events Ltd have a responsibility to handle personal data in accordance with data protection policies and principles. The company’s board of directors is ultimately responsible for ensuring legal compliance with data protection regulations.

Access, update, and erase personal information

Individuals can request access to their personal data held by Exporta Publishing & Events Ltd, update their information, or request erasure of data if necessary. The company is committed to providing individuals with a readable copy of their data and addressing any concerns or inquiries about privacy policies.

In conclusion, Exporta Publishing & Events Ltd is dedicated to protecting and respecting the privacy of individuals. By implementing strict data protection policies, transparent practices, and security measures, the company aims to build trust and ensure the responsible handling of personal information. It is essential for individuals to stay informed about how their data is collected, used, and protected, and to exercise their rights regarding their personal information.

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